In a stunning turn of events, Ianis Hagi, once celebrated for his remarkable game-changing performances as a substitute, finds himself on a precarious precipice. Within a mere span of 48 hours, Hagi has transitioned from being an impactful asset to the Rangers, to facing exclusion from the Champions League squad and swirling rumors about his potential departure from the club. Notably, Danut Lupu, a former comrade of Gheorghe Hagi during their tenure with the Romanian national team, has come forth with his thoughts on Hagi’s situation.
Adding fuel to the fiery conjectures, Danut Lupu has voiced his concerns over Ianis Hagi’s current circumstances. He emphatically emphasizes that Hagi’s inclusion in the squad at this juncture could potentially pave the way for a host of complications. Instead, he advocates for Hagi’s decisive departure from Rangers, citing its potential benefits for the player’s long-term career trajectory.
Lupu asserts, “Calling up Ianis Hagi at this point would not only introduce unwarranted complexities but could also impede his growth. It is imperative for his professional advancement that he seeks opportunities beyond his current association with Rangers.”
Regardless of individual opinions surrounding Ianis Hagi’s role as a playmaker for the Gers, there exists a consensus that his capabilities transcend those of a mere benchwarmer or spectator. Hagi, having recuperated from a year-long injury hiatus, emerges as a rejuvenated athlete, brimming with promise. However, his current circumstances of limited game time threaten to stifle his progress. Denying him consistent playtime could potentially impede his development as a footballer.
“It’s evident that Hagi is primed for action, and restraining him from active participation serves neither his nor the club’s best interests,” remarks a football analyst, echoing the sentiment shared by many observers of the sport.
Lupu feels that Ianis Hagi, with 26 caps to his name, can still be an influence for Romania, but this can’t happen whilst he wastes away at Rangers:
“He has not played recently, he is a player who can help the national team only if he plays at club level.”
“I have respect for Gheorghe Hagi and I admire what he does for Ianis as a parent, but he must understand that his son cannot be called up if he is not playing for Rangers.”
“It’s not like his dad, who made all the difference when he played for us. We couldn’t do without him and you cannot say that about Ianis.”
“My advice to him is to leave Rangers immediately. Don’t stay where you are not wanted.”
“I don’t know why he would want to stay anyway. Until he got injured he was a key player at Rangers.”