In the aftermath of an unexpected defeat against Kilmarnock, Andy Halliday has shed light on the eye-opening experience that Rangers’ recent acquisitions have encountered. The 1-0 loss at Rugby Park sent ripples of concern through the Ibrox faithful as the new Premiership season commenced on a less-than-ideal note.
Amidst the backdrop of apprehension among fans, Andy Halliday, a prominent figure on the Clyde 1 Superscoreboard panel, has provided valuable insights into the impact of the Kilmarnock mishap. He underlined the significance of the reaction to defeat as an eye-opener for the newcomers who have joined Michael Beale’s side. Halliday remarked, “I think it’s the reaction that will shock them. They might have been at clubs previously where a point away from home was not a bad result. Rangers and Celtic, three points is mandatory every week, it’s something that has got to happen.”
Halliday emphasized the unique expectations that come with donning the Light Blue jersey. He acknowledged the stark contrast between the pressure of Rangers and Celtic, where victory is a non-negotiable outcome, and other clubs where a draw away from home might be considered satisfactory. Halliday explained, “I think what they also have to realise is Rangers fans are used to seeing a deficit behind Celtic for the best part of a decade. With a lot of hype going into the season, to already have a three-point deficit after the first game, there’s going to be a lot of pressure that comes with that.”
The seasoned midfielder painted a vivid picture of the challenges that await Rangers’ new signings. He alluded to the inevitable realization that dawns upon them, whether through repeated encounters with zealous supporters during everyday errands or witnessing the fervent crowd’s reaction to a disappointing opening day result. Halliday predicted, “They might not get it straight away, but something will happen where they will realize. Whether that be getting stopped 30 times walking down the road to Waitrose or losing on the opening day of the season and seeing the reaction from the crowd.”
As the Premiership season progresses, Rangers’ new recruits are poised to adapt and assimilate into the unique demands and expectations that characterize the club. The Kilmarnock defeat, while an initial setback, serves as a pivotal lesson that encapsulates the relentless pursuit of success and the unyielding support of the Rangers faithful.